1. Cupcakes and Cashmere window display at Harajuku's Forever 21.
2. New bike.
3. Typical moving day dinner = pizza and champagne (I made two pizzas, I promise the second wasn't as ugly).
4. My favorite alleycat Oliver at our old apartment. He waits outside my door for me every morning...is it sad that I still go to visit him whenever I'm in the area?
5. Mitsukoshi at Christmas ♥
This was supposed to be an outfit post, but I've come to the awful realization that I have absolutely no idea where any of my camera's memory cards are. Sad times. So until I find at least one of them, we'll have to deal with cell phone/webcam pictures. Ok? Ok.
Currently: Sitting next to a halogen heater in pajama pants, a hoodie, and a throw blanket (it's still 15C, I obviously can't handle cold), drinking water, attempting to make the perfect playlist so that I can update my iPod for the first time since 2007. Ridiculous.
Wanting: A Vienna beef hot dog or Chicago deep dish, autumn to come back, a fluffy cat and/or dog to cuddle with, and my laundry to magically do itself.
Wishing: I could go home for Christmas, that I had $10,000 to buy Net-a-Porter's Ultimate Shoe Subscription, and that I was better at Blogger.
Ahhhh I'm enjoying my last day off for awhile; things are going to get pretty hectic from tomorrow until after New Year's.
What's everyone doing for the holidays?
Let the madness begin.
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